2018 New Year’s Resolutions for your Home


Group Of Mature Friends Enjoying Buffet At Dinner Party

The holiday chaos is finally over and many of us are hungry for a change and fresh start. A new year is the perfect place to start new habits and routines to live your life to the fullest. Don’t stop with healthy eating and more exercise- home improvement and care is just as important! Here are a few New Year’s resolutions for your home:

Get Healthy: What better way to get healthy than adding a garden or planting a fruit tree? Start small and see what happens. A window box filled with fresh herbs is a fun and easy way to give you a test run.  Make sure to involve the kids- they will be more likely to eat it if they grow it!

Remove Excess: Put your house on a diet by getting rid of the junk! Take a good, hard look at the things you own, recall the last time you used them, the likelihood that you will use them within the next 6 months and the value that they bring to your life and your home. If you find items that haven’t been used in ages, put them in a pile and let them go! This practice is simple, yet life-changing when you experience the mental space that is cleared up by simply decluttering.

Get Safe: Help ensure your family’s safety by making sure your home is equipped with functioning smoke detectors, a carbon monoxide detector and a radon detector (usually available for under $20). Check all door and window locks as well as fencing and gates to make sure everything is in good working order.

Freshen Up: Take advantage of the recent sales and replace your dingy old blankets, bedspreads, sheets, and towels with new ones. While you’re at it, give your home a nice deep clean Who says you have to wait for spring?

Get Social: Now that your home is de-cluttered, fresh, and clean, call up your friends and do some entertaining! Have your neighbors over for coffee or friends and family over for dinner and catch up. Plus, if you know anyone looking for a new home, invite them the check out Ryan Legacy Builders!